Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG (so far. Might get higher and the subsequent chapters)
Pairing/Characters: Ianto; Jack; Gwen; Martha; Mickey; OCs (Jack/Ianto and there probably will be mentions of Gwen/Rhys)
Genre: General so far, but maybe romance eventually? It is after all a Janto fic
Summary: Nine months later and Ianto wakes up from death.
Warning: None
Spoiler: Mentions of Children of Earth, but nothing especific, except Ianto's death, but I don't consider it a fix it fic; at least not yet.
Disclaimer: Sadly, they are not mine. I'd never kill Ianto and ruin the best cannon shipper ever!
Notes: Huge thanks for specialj67 for being my beta. Jackie, you rock! (For some reason my LJ wants to piss me off beyond measures, so I can't mark specialj67 as a LJ user without getting everything else deleted... ¬¬)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
( Emma Waters walked back to the black SUV parked just outside the warehouse, her knee-high ass-kicking boots clicking on the wet ground. )