not_rude_ginger (not_rude_ginger) wrote in jackxianto,

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Fic: Tear-Filled Trails of Blood (Special Drabbles)

Series: Tear-Filled Trails of Blood
Title: A Parallelogram of Drabbles
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: All, including OCs.
Rating/Warnings: PG-15 for dark themes
Word Count: 2,000 (2,040 including titles)
Summary: A series of drabbles based off my fic Tear-Filled Trails of Blood. Twenty drabbles that are mostly possible futures that may or may not happen. Mostly this is me indulging all my plot-bunnies.

A Parallelogram of Drabbles

  • Double Drabble: Not A Couple

    Title: Not A Couple Author: badly_knitted Characters: Gwen, Jack, Ianto. Rating: PG Written For: Challenge 848: Half at…

  • Ficlet: An Interesting Place

    Title: An Interesting Place Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who Author: badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, Tenth Doctor, Jack. Rating: PG…

  • Double Drabble: Strange Creature

    Title: Strange Creature Author: badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, Jack. Rating: PG Written For: Challenge 847: Normal at…

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