Anna (rootesie) wrote in jackxianto,

Rub in the Hub 6/7

Title: Rub in the Hub 6/7
nos_tylluan , rootesie , sunwee , t_mystery01
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~23,500 (divided into seven chapters, each approx 3000 – 3500 words)
Pairings: Jack/Ianto/Owen/John/Gwen/Tosh and variations thereof (Jack/Ianto as main pairing).
Warnings: May contain purple prose, excruciating euphemisms and dreadful dialogue. If it doesn't make you cringe or laugh then we haven't done our jobs properly. This does contain Gwen-bashing in later chapters.
Genre: bad!fic, crack!fic, smut, pwp
Summary: There's an orgy in the Hub and everyone's invited. Takes place sometime early in season two. This was described by SerenityChaos on the Torchwood Forum as “the weirdest, kinkiest, naughtiest, cheesiest, TW fanfic I ever read!”
Cross posted to:captnsneyec jack_in_cuffs torchwood_fic torchwoodslash jackxianto jantolution
Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six.
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:nc-17, humour

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