Series: Fragments (of you, under my skin) 4/5, WIP
Author: Rootesie
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,800
Pairings: Jack/Ianto and, this is somewhat spoilery so highlight to see if you really want to: Ianto/anon OMC
Warnings/Enticements: m/m sex. Spoilers for Cyberwoman through to Greeks Bearing Gifts.
Genre: Dark, smutty angst.
Summary: You lie in bed, stroking the tingling skin where his lips brushed against you. You want his friendship. You want his body. You wonder if you can have both and get away with it.
Author's Note: This is the fourth part in a fic tracing the evolution of Jack and Ianto's relationship between the flashback in Fragments and They Keep Killing Suzie. Previous chapters: Self Abuse, Insincerely Yours and Broken.
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