nos_tylluan (nos_tylluan) wrote in jackxianto,

Through The Wrong Side of The Looking Glass 5/23

Title:  Looking for Ianto in All The Wrong Places - Through The Wrong Side of The Looking Glass - #5
Word Count:  2,903
Characters: Jack, Andy, Suzie, Owen and Toshiko
Warnings:  NC-17 (highlight to see potential spoiler warning) m/m explicit sex

Summary:  Using the artifact that Tarot Girl led Jack to find, he jumps to another alternate reality in his search to find Ianto.  As he proceeds onwards, will he find the man that he loves, or just a carbon copy of Ianto who is too radically different from his own Ianto so as not to be compatible?  

Chapter 5: Jack's back with Torchwood and running things again, even if it isn't his universe.  He's drawn to the team and finds himself looking to relive his past but to make changes so people don't get hurt this time around.  Is what he is doing wrong, and what happened with his search for Ianto?  Read on to find out!

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters and no infringement with the original copyright holders is intended.


Chapter 5 )

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