Paula (electrictoes) wrote in jackxianto,

Torchwood Big Bang Round 2

Hello all!

After the great fun & success of the last round, the Torchwood Big Bang mods bring to you... round two!

For those of you who don’t know, the Big Bang or writers, artists and mixers from all corners of fandom to come together and produce some awesome fanwork and celebrate their favourite show/movie/book.

& so, we open to every corner of the Torchwood fandom, the Torchwood Big Bang Challenge 2010.

We’re looking for writers, artists, vidmakers, fanmixers, anyone & everyone is welcome! So click the banner below and check us out!

Hope to see lots of you signing up!

We’re advertising all over the place, so while we apologise for cross-posting, we also ask… if we missed your favourite corner of fandom in our travels, you let us know so that everyone can share in the Big Bang fun!

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