Rating: PG-13, through NC17
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Rhiannon, Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Rhys, Martha, The Doctor (10th), John Hart, The Master, Others
Spoilers: Starts beginning of TW season 1 and DW season 3
Summary: Ianto Jones has been searching for information about who he is his entire life. Canary Wharf gave him some answers and a whole new set of questions.
Disclaimer: BBC drew them, I just like to color outside their lines.
A/N: Many thanks to the fabulous sparking_off for beta-ing. Any mistakes left are all mine.
Please note the chapter ratings. Part 17 is NSFW, and is also my first adult piece for this fandom.
Since Ianto has wings in this fic, hopefully I didn't flub it too badly.
Comments and reviews are always great! Thanks for reading!
Story Starts Here
Part 16a
Part 16b
Part 17 - NSFW