sparking_off (sparking_off) wrote in jackxianto,

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Fic: Chase The Frothy Bubbles

Title: Chase The Frothy Bubbles
Rating: T
Word count: ~7,440
Timeline: Two months after the events at the end of Give Them Unquiet Dreams – so eight months after ‘Children of Earth’.
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Steven and Alice Carter, Tegan. Jack/Ianto.
Disclaimer: The characters aren’t mine, the canon isn’t mine, the specific universe is but I’m making no money from this.
Beta-read by: pinkfairy727
Series: The Human Child series, following everything that’s been posted so far (see my master list for reading order)
Notes: Their family is built on secrets, but Ianto knows not all secrets have unhappy endings.

Fic: Chase The Frothy Bubbles
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:pg-13

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