Title - Phone Connections (2 of 7)
Author -xennie_b
Beta - cazmalfoy (*smishes you* Thank you!)
Characters/Pairings – Jack/Ianto, Suzie, Tosh, Owen,
Rating – PG 15+
Spoilers – DW series 2 briefly and TW series 1&2 just to be safe
Series - "Life's Revelations" verse
Author -xennie_b
Beta - cazmalfoy (*smishes you* Thank you!)
Characters/Pairings – Jack/Ianto, Suzie, Tosh, Owen,
Rating – PG 15+
Spoilers – DW series 2 briefly and TW series 1&2 just to be safe
Series - "Life's Revelations" verse
Summary – You don't have to meet someone face-to-face to fall for them.
Disclaimer: All characters and concepts of Torchwood and Doctor Who belong to the BBC and RTD. I make no money from this and I only borrow the characters and concepts for fun so no breach of copyright is meant.
Disclaimer: All characters and concepts of Torchwood and Doctor Who belong to the BBC and RTD. I make no money from this and I only borrow the characters and concepts for fun so no breach of copyright is meant.