Author: moonfirefic
Beta: sparking_off
Rating: PG-13, leaning towards R for some sexual references.
Characters: Ianto, Jack, Rhiannon, Tosh, Owen, Gwen, Rhys, Martha, The Doctor (10th), John Hart, The Master, Others
Spoilers: Starts beginning of TW season 1 and DW season 3
Summary: Ianto Jones has been searching for information about who he is his entire life. Canary Wharf gave him some answers and a whole new set of questions.
Disclaimer: BBC drew them, I just like to color outside their lines.
A/N: Wow. It's finished. Thanks to all of you who embraced this fic and this universe. There weren't many winged Ianto fics out there, and since this was my first foray into this fandom, I am humbled that you liked it. Special shout outs to iantosgal and milady_dragon for cheerleading me on with their posts. The sequel will be later on this Fall after a few other fics in the works are finished.
Many thanks to the fabulous sparking_off for beta-ing. Any mistakes left are all mine.
Story Starts Here