Erin Giles (erin_giles) wrote in jackxianto,
Erin Giles

Fic: We All Fall Down

Title: We All Fall Down
Author: Erin Giles
Disclaimer: Torchwood and Doctor Who are the intellectual property of the BBC.
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Owen, Tosh, Rhiannon/Johnny, Mica, David, Alice, Steven, PC Andy, OCs
Rating: R
Betas: pinkfairy727 & cailenbraern
Warnings: Character Death
Challenge: Written for tardis_bigbang
Summary: Torchwood is separate from the government, outside the police, beyond the United Nations and detached from family. When someone comes at Torchwood through their families they have to make a choice between what they love and what they protect. With the threat on a personal level emotions are running high, and when secrets from the past are unearthed the team come close to splitting forever. But there's one last secret Torchwood is keeping that none of the team, not even Jack, knew about.

'Torchwood members never take an oath, but I think we need one. I think you need one most of all, Jack. You can't play God in all this. You have to stop keeping secrets from us. You need to stop being pig-headed and thinking that this is all yours to bear. This is our families on the line here, Jack. Our families!'
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:r

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