sinisterx18 (sinisterx18) wrote in jackxianto,

Crossing the Rift: Affairs of Cardiff and the Kawoosh - Chapter 6

Title: Crossing the Rift: Affairs of Cardiff and the Kawoosh – Chapter 6
Author: sinisterx18  
Rating: PG-13
Crack!Pairings: Capt. Jack H./Daniel Jackson, Col. Jack O./Ianto Jones, Teal'c/OC, Owen Harper/Anise
Final Pairings: Capt. Jack H./Ianto Jones, Col. Jack O./Samantha Carter
Warnings: Spoilers for TW season 1 and SG-1 through season 4. Also massive amounts of crack.
Summary: Simultaneous accidents bring Torchwood and SG-1 together, but their attempts to fix the problem brings them together in ways they never expected.

AN: Everyone gets split up in this chapter. And General Hammond's job pretty much sucks. But in a funny way. This author's note sucks in a not funny way; I'm sorry, I've been writing a college application essays all day. If you missed Chapter 1, you can read it here.

Major Davis launched himself at the idiot masquerading as a valuable scientist.
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:pg-13

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