Word Count: 2400
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto; Gwen/Rhys; Martha; Tenth Doctor; Donna, (mentioned: Simm!Master/Lucy)
Spoilers: Most likely for all of Torchwood and all of Doctor Who.
Warnings: Slightly AU. Also Angst later on.
Summary: Slightly AU. Ianto is having strange dreams about a strange man in a long coat. Do the dreams hold the key to unlocking the secrets of Ianto's past? Jack thinks that they do. Takes place post Torchwood Series 2 but before the Doctor Who episode 'The Stolen Earth'
A/N: Thanks to everybody who has voted on Ianto's Time Lord name. If you haven't already done so the poll is still open HERE but I will be closing it in a couple of days time.
Crossposted to tw_proper and jantolution
Previous Parts Here
Part Ten