choccy_grl (choccy_grl) wrote in jackxianto,

Fic - You’ve gotta kiss a lot of frogs… Or have you? (pt 3/11)

Title: You’ve gotta kiss a lot of frogs… Or have you?  (part 3/11)
Author: [info]choccy_grl 
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: pg-13
Word count: 16600 plus
Set immediately after End of Days. Alt version of what happens at the end of series 1.
Written for[info]au_bingo</lj> prompt – Disney. The film which was the inspiration for this story is revealed at the end, although it should be blatantly obvious. What should also be blatantly obvious is that I have only seen the trailer.
& [info]kissbingo</lj>prompt: underwater
& [info]hc_bingo</lj>prompt: cursed
Not sure if this quite meets the au prompt but it’s what came out. Warning: This may be crack. Also, warning for character death (temporary)


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