aplacewebelong (aplacewebelong) wrote in jackxianto,

Dear Mr Jones (part four/?)

Title: Dear Mr Jones.
Rating: pg?
Summary: AU. A correspondence between a certain Ianto Jones and Captain Jack Harkness: Ianto Jones, who is a personal assistant to a busy lawyer and Jack who is self employed. Initially hostile, Ianto warms to his mysterious email correspondent.
Characters/Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: the characters all belong to RTD and the BBC, etc, I don’t own them
Author’s Notes: Another of those fics I started ages ago, and finally finished. I rather enjoyed writing this one! Not sure of the best way to post this, so bear with me....
Just a note to say this is my new writing journal, I used to post under sophie-03 (sophie-03.livejournal.com) where most of my writing still is, but I'm slowly transferring it to here/moving here, to seperate my writing from other stuff.
Sorry about the delay - been trying to finish essays, which I've finally done, so in celebration have a post! :)

x-posted to: torchwoodcoffee, torchwood, jackxianto.

Part Four
Tags: fanfic

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