aviv_b (aviva barucha) (aviv_b) wrote in jackxianto,
aviv_b (aviva barucha)

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What Do You Do With a Lost Spooky-Doo?

A Schmoop Bingo Story
Fandom:  Torchwood
Schmoop:  Amusement Park
Title: What Do You Do With a Lost Spooky-Doo?
Words: 4500
Rating: PG
Characters:  Team Torchwood (Jack/Ianto), Andy, Rhys
Disclaimer: Not mine; Aunty B's and RTD's
Summary: So many aliens come through the Rift. Is the Hickey Monster one of them? Takes place not long after Gwen joins Torchwood (but no Suzie here).

A/N:  A little Halloween schmoop bingo.  Posted lots of places, my apologies if you receive multiple copies.

Read this haunting tale at my journal:

Happy Halloween!

Tags: fanfic

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