angstosaur (angstosaur) wrote in jackxianto,

Fic: Red Herrings Chapter 1

Title: Red Herrings
Summary: Things aren't good, then they show signs of improvement, then they get really bad...
Warnings: 8/10 angstometer reading (I got it fixed for this one). Cliffhanger alert - sharpen fingernails before proceeding.
Rating: PG 13 for this part
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to the BBC and whoever they pimp it out to and not me. However, I like to think I am more faithful to the characters and situations of S1 and S2 than the creator.
A/N: Set after Bad Seed in my peculiar universe in which everyone is still alive, or at least undead ... and neither Exit Wounds nor COE happened. Not necessary to have read Bad Seed.

Chapter 1

Tags: fanfic, fanfic:r

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