Title: Like the sun
Author: zazajb
Rating: R, adult concepts, occasional language, M/M
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, team
Spoilers – set immediately after Captain Jack Harkness, end of S1, day 4 S3
Summary: After his return from 1941, Jack realises what Ianto means to him...retrospective reflection. Words 2300
Warning: angst, mention of character death, teeny tiny Gwen bashing with a very soft pillow, once!
Fic masterlist: http://zazajb.livejournal.com/6286.html
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters - just like to dabble with them from time to time
X-posted Jantolution , jackxianto & tw_proper[apologies to those getting this multiple times]
A/N Yeah – I know – another songfic...but it bit me after I watched this episode the other day and I realised it needed a better ending and that led me to the dark side...it wasn’t supposed to be like this but it ran away...so please forgive me...