zazajb (zazajb) wrote in jackxianto,

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Worth dying for...

Title: Worth dying for...
Author: zazajb
Rating: R, adult concepts, occasional language, M/M
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, team
Spoilers – none, set in the days just after KKBB S2
Summary: Ianto adjusts to Jack’s return, weevils, temporary deaths and some unexpected outcomes.  Words 2550

Fic masterlist:

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters - just like to dabble with them from time to time

X-posted Jantolution, jackxianto & TW_classic & tw_proper[apologies to those getting this multiple times]

A/N Iantosdreamer and I were missing the redisourcolour challenges so we decided to challenge each other – her words for me - Theme: unexpected; lion, paper, horizontal ‘Look, it’s not going to fit, can’t you put it elsewhere?’

Tags: fanfic, fanfic:oneshot, fanfic:r

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