Title: Out to get you
Chapter: 1 of 26+ epilogue
Author: iolo1234
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: will put these up as we go along or it will spoil the surprise!
Characters: Jack, Ianto, The Doctor (10), Andy Davidson, Gwen Cooper, and others who will be added.
Rating: overall NC-17 although each chapter will be rated – this one is PG -14
Spoilers: None really as this is sort of AU but there are references from Torchwood and Doctor Who .
Warnings: References to previous deaths and oh yes, sex occasionally.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters as they belong to Russell T Davies and the BBC but I do get to play with them.
Notes: This story came to me from the photo below, although it is only referenced in the first chapter. I have been waiting for a story to appear in my head to go with it and this one arrived. Thanks to satiaentreri for letting me use it. The banner was designed for me by ianto_love_jack – so more thanks. This story is a mixture of canon and AU. Captain Jack Harkness and the Doctor are themselves. However, Jack is no longer with Torchwood. Ianto Jones is a detective sergeant in Cardiff CID; Andy is his best friend and a detective constable. Ianto is out to catch Jack Harkness, who has become a fascination for him. He thinks Jack is a conman scamming people by claiming to have alien artefacts and then casing their homes to rob them. Of course, nothing is what any of them think, as you’ll find out. I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 1 here