Title: Rank has its privileges...
Author: zazajb
Rating: R, adult concepts, occasional language, M/M
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, team
Spoilers – none, set mid S2
Summary: A rift signature leads the team to a warehouse...Torchwood fun and frolics ensue! Words 2050
Fic masterlist: http://zazajb.livejournal.com/6286.html
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters – anything you recognise is owned by RTD & BBC
X-posted Jantolution , jackxianto & TW_classic , tw_proper, ijs, jantosparkle[apologies to those getting this multiple times]
A/N Written for the redisourcolour challenge #11 - Theme: Costumes; tissue paper, flying, silvery ‘Agrh, somebody get this thing off me!’
A/N1 This is for too_beauty because the last one I wrote made her cry so this is the reset button she wanted!