branwen_blaidd (branwen_blaidd) wrote in jackxianto,

Fic- His Captain and His Angel 22/22

Title: His Captain and His Angel 22/22

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/John

Rating: Adult
Spoilers: Mild for COE (background information)

Summary: Captain John Hart always gets what he wants.

Disclaimers: I own nothing.

Notes: This is the third in the series of stories about Ianto’s past. It follows Blue Moon’s Child and The Lost Son. I’ll be posting this once a day until it is finished. Special thanks go to czarina_kitty for being such a wonderful Beta. Also thanks to rowanheart24 for helping me brainstorm the original idea. Well, this is the last one. Thank you so much to everybody who's been following this and I hope you've all enjoyed it! Comments please!


Tags: fanfic:nc-17, fanfic:series

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