Title: In Sickness and in Health
Author: welsh_scotsman
Beta: royalladyemma
Author;s note : Yes, it is I posting =D I bet a lot of you had been starting to lose faith, I know I was starting to at times, but the next chapter is finally finished =D It onle took six weeks or so and I am sorry, I truly am, but the boys just would not talk to me. At all. So I poked them with sticks until they did =D
Summary: Ianto looks after everyone, but who looks after him?
Chapter Summary; Ianto and Jack go home
Updated; Every Wednesday
Pairing: Janto
Spoilers: None
Warning: Occasional language, references to child abuse
Rating: 15
http://welsh-scotsman.livejournal.com/6120.html chapter one
http://welsh-scotsman.livejournal.com/27573.html chapter thirty eight