iolo1234 (iolo1234) wrote in jackxianto,

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Out to get you - Chapter 17

Title: Out to get you

Chapter: 17 of 26 + epilogue

Author:  [info]iolo1234 

Fandom: Torchwood

Pairings: Ianto/Lisa (past), Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Doctor (past), Andy/John, Tosh/Owen so far

Characters: Jack, Ianto, The Doctor (10), Andy Davidson, John Hart, Gwen Cooper, Rhys Williams, Toshiko Sato, Owen Harper, Alonso Frame and others who will be added.

Rating: overall NC-17 although each chapter will be rated – this one is PG-14

Spoilers: None really as this is sort of AU but there are references from Torchwood and Doctor Who.

Warnings: References to previous deaths and oh yes, sexual references.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters as they belong to Russell T Davies and the BBC but I do get to play with them. Banner thanks to  [info]ianto_love_jack 

Notes: Everyone takes care of Ianto – and they say you should talk.

Chapter 17 here


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