confused_bliss (confused_bliss) wrote in jackxianto,

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Yearning (Chapter 17)

Title: Yearning (Chapter 17)
Author: confused_bliss 
Genre: AU!
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17 (story as a whole)
Beta: None, all mistakes are mine!
Feedback: Yes, please! All comments are appreciated!
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! Just borrowing them for awhile. No infringement intended.

Banner & Layout by the incredible: [info]foreverbm 

Summary: Jack Harkness is the owner of an upscale club in Manhattan along with his mostly silent partner and best friend, Owen Harper. Jack's life is about to change when his baby sister Lisa brings her boyfriend, the mysterious Ianto Jones into the club to meet him. Why don't their parents approve of the gorgeous Ianto Jones? Lisa goes to Jack for his support and assistance in gaining their parent's approval. What happens when Jack sees Ianto and wants him for himself?

Tags: fanfic:nc-17

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