beesandbrews (beesandbrews) wrote in jackxianto,

Fic: A Delicate State of Affairs

Title: A Delicate State of Affairs: Part 2 of 2
Written by: Beesandbrews
Beta by: nancybrown and fide_et_spe With many thanks.
Rating: PG-13. Contains: Mpreg, mention of past Mpreg, and relationship drama.
Characters: Jack/Ianto, Amy/Rory, 11th Doctor, OCs.
A.N:This is a Torchwood/Doctor Who Crossover. It takes place in the post-series 2, Post-New!Team Torchwood, Team!TARDIS 'verse.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.

It's the 51st century. When the Doctor and his companions decide to stop and watch a parade on the planet Orvis, they had no idea they were going to get caught up in a palace intrigue. Or that the delicate condition of a guest was going to bring up uncomfortable issues for Jack and Ianto.

Part One is Here.
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:pg-13

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