Title: Broken Dreams.
Author: evalentine99
Rating: Mature 16+
Fandom: Torchwood
Genre: Romance / Angst. Hurt/ Comfort.
Pairings. Jack /Ianto
Alternate Time Line - Alternate Universe.
Spoilers None.
Beta: milady_dragon Torchwood- Copyright BBC. This Fanfiction has been created for enjoyment and is not for profit.
**Warning: This chapter contains graphic description of child death.
Set in a parallel reality to the cannon universe. The story begins two years after the Canary Wharf battle. Owen and Tosh are still alive as some events in this reality did not occur as they did in the canon universe.
Ianto has returned to Cardiff after many years of absence. Jack runs into him literally. It is lust at first sight for Jack. However, it’s loathing at first sight for Ianto. Can Jack overcome Ianto’s dislike of him? Can Ianto overcome the events of his most recent past to overcome his objections allowing them build a future together.
Chapter One evalentine99.livejournal.com/14406.html#c
Chapter Thirty Six evalentine99.livejournal.com/29313.html#c