analineblue (analineblue) wrote in jackxianto,

[Fic] Anchors Around My Feet

Title: Anchors Around My Feet
Pairing/Characters: Jack, Eleven, Jack/Ianto (Doctor Who crossover)
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for all of TW; takes place post-COE (with flashbacks to S1 and S2); no real DW spoilers
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~2,300
Beta: sariagray
Summary: There are some questions that Jack really wishes he didn't want to find out the answers to.

Notes: So this is my first time writing a DW crossover, and my first time writing anything post-COE. *_* No knowledge of New Who is really needed here, btw, there are no spoilers as far as that goes. Written for this week's redisourcolor challenge. Theme = Doctor Who Crossover; other prompts are dogma, incommodious, waltzing and a quote from Shakespeare. I chose "What a piece of work is a man," from Hamlet. :)

( Anchors Around My Feet )
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:oneshot, fanfic:pg-13

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