remuslives23 (remuslives23) wrote in jackxianto,

Fic: Burning Bridges

Title: Burning Bridges
Author: remuslives23
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Gwen UST, Gwen/Rhys
Word Count: 1747
Summary: The time had come to decide which bridge he would cross, and which he would burn.
Notes: I'm trying to finish up the half-written fics on my hard drive and this is one of them. For the prompt: lace. Unbeta'd so please forgive any errors.
Contains: Angsting.
Episode References: Something Borrowed
Disclaimer: This fiction is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies. No money is being made and no offense is intended. Characters are of legal age for sexual situations.

Tags: fanfic

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