Characters/Pairings: Gwen/Rhys, Anwen, but Jack/Ianto centric. Sort of.
Word Count: ~2100
Rating: PG?
Spoilers: Takes place a few years after Miracle Day, but spoilers only through Children of Earth (and Anwen's existence).
Warnings: Sadness. Kinda sappy, if I'm honest. Canon character death. Tissue warning issued by...People Who Know.
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. I do not make money off of Torchwood. In fact, it seems as though Torchwood owns and makes money off of ME. This is for entertainment purposes only.
Beta: The ever-amazing
analineblue for beta'ing this on the fly and so quickly. She is a princess. ;D
Summary: They will love each other until children stop believing in fairy tales.
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rhys_love and
torch_wood. Apologies to those getting this more than once.
Summary: They will love each other until children stop believing in fairy tales.
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