Summary: Cups of coffee, and the important role that they play throughout the life of Ianto's friendship with Tosh.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Reference to canon major and minor character deaths.
Characters: Ianto Jones, Toshiko Sato, Jack Harkness, and Gwen Cooper.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, past Ianto/Lisa
Spoilers: The entire first two series of Torchwood, but especially references the events of Cyberwoman, a deleted scene from Cyberwoman, and the ending of Exit Wounds.
Beta: Thank you to czarina_kitty for the beta and to thesteppyone
Author's Notes: This trilogy of stories is now complete. While each can easily stand alone as individual stories, they follow the overall story of Ianto's friendship with Tosh. I hope you enjoy them:)
The Coffee Trilogy