Title: Hold Onto What Is Good
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Ratings: PG
Spoilers: Series 1
Summary: Missing scene at the end of Small Worlds
Disclaimers: I own nothing!
Notes: The poem is a native American blessing. Comments please!
Title: Hold Onto What Is Good
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Ratings: PG
Spoilers: Series 1
Summary: Missing scene at the end of Small Worlds
Disclaimers: I own nothing!
Notes: The poem is a native American blessing. Comments please!
Title: After The Party Author: badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, Jack. Rating: PG Written For: Challenge 830: Wash at tw100 .…
Title: Master Of Disguise Author: badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, Jack, OC. Rating: PG Written For: Challenge 829: Disguise at…
Title: The End Of Gwen Author: badly_knitted Characters: Ianto, Jack, Gwen, Rhys Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1555 Spoilers: Nada.…