Author: sariagray
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Esther, Mentions of original team.
Word Count: ~2200
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: Spans ALL seasons, and also references events from the radio play, The House of the Dead.
Warnings: Mentions of canon character deaths. Perhaps tissues should be had?
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood, its characters, or its environs, nor do I receive any monetary gain.
Beta: No one. All mistakes are mine.
Summary: Their lives are simply little moments, stitched together by a single thread.
Summary: Their lives are simply little moments, stitched together by a single thread.
Author's Note: Written for analineblue for her donation to help children in East Africa. She requested: Gwen + Ianto + Rhys friendship fic and then went on to say that she’d “take anything, really.” I hope this…delivers? ;)
“I’m sorry I left the remote on the sofa.”
Cross posted to multiple comms. Apologies to those getting this more than once.
“I’m sorry I left the remote on the sofa.”
Cross posted to multiple comms. Apologies to those getting this more than once.