Author iantosdreamer46
Rating NC-17 overall, adult concepts, occasional language, m/m
Characters Jack, Ianto, Owen, Tosh, John Hart, Gwen, Rhys, Lisa, Adam,
Spoilers None this is totally AU
Summary Jack is the Station Manager at cardiff Royal Infirmary's Hospital Radio. He helps a young man to get well and introduces him to the life at the radio.
Disclaimer I own none of the characters, they belong to the BBC and RTD. I just like to experiment with them sometimes.
Words 2,092
A/N This is completley AU and is all thanks to zazajb for challenging me to have a go. Apologies for any bad geography of Cardiff and Wales, I was never any good at the subject when I was at school.
A/N2 apologies for anyone whi is getting this more than once, as it's cross posted
Music is the best Medicine....14/?