MadBottoms (madbottoms) wrote in jackxianto,

Choices Chapter 23 Part 1

Title: Choices
Chapter 23 – Redemption
Pairing(s)/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Owen, Tosh, John, OCs
Rating: NC17 (overall)
Warnings: supernatural themes, violence, m/m pairing
A/N: We are getting very close to the end now. This is the second last chapter which will be split into two parts. This first part is pretty tame compared to most but deals are made and the mysterious saviour at the graduation party is revealed. Enjoy. 

Expand23 Redemption  )

LJ is telling me my post is too large which shits me to no end so you will have to read it over at DW and come back here

Choices - Chapter 23 Part 1 and comment or do so over there using an open ID.

Also, check out the artwork I did for the most recent round of the Torchwood Big Bang Challenge to accompany the fic War Games bynancybrownYou can find the art work here - Torchwood Big Bang Art and Torchwood Big Bang Art -2 and you can check out he fic here - War Games Master Post



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