Author iantosdreamer46
Rating NC-17 overall, adult concepts, occasional language, m/m
Characters Jack, Ianto, Owen, Tosh, John Hart, Gwen, Rhys,
Spoilers None this is totally AU
Summary Jack is the Station Manager at cardiff Royal Infirmary's Hospital Radio. He helps a young man to get well and introduces him to the life at the radio.
Disclaimer I own none of the characters, they belong to the BBC and RTD. I just like to experiment with them sometimes.
Words 2,140
A/N This is completley AU and is all thanks to zazajb for challenging me to have a go. Apologies for any bad geography of Cardiff and Wales, I was never any good at the subject when I was at school.
A/N2 apologies for anyone whi is getting this more than once, as it's cross posted
Music is the best Medicine....20/?