Title: Someone to Watch Over Me (12/18)
Pairing(s)/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen and OCs.
Rating: NC17 (overall)
Warnings: smarm, sap and crack – of the mills & boon type (seriously), m/m pairing
Disclaimer: Torchwood and its associated characters, and events are property of the BBC and Russell T. Davies but shamelessly borrowed for some fun.
A/N 1: Thanks for all the brilliant comments for the last chapter and of course for previous ones, too. I’m feeling rather chipper today after finally getting a rough (really rough) draft written for my ever advancing assignment due date. So in celebration of how wonderful you all are and my accomplishment, I present you with the next part. I quite enjoyed this one because we get to see some more of Owen playing big brother. Enjoy and don’t forget to comment. J
A/N 2: Also FYI - the previous entry has been edited since first posting. After some thought I decided to make a few edits. It doesn't take anything away from the scene but actually adds to the intensity I think.
( Chapter 12 )