sariagray (sariagray) wrote in jackxianto,

Whose Blood Makes the Glory: 3/12

Title: Whose Blood Makes the Glory, 3/12
Author: sariagray
Rating: PG13
Characters/Pairings: Ianto, Jack, Gwen, Andy, OCs (Canon pairings)
Word Count: ~13k, 1500 this chapter.
Things To Be Aware Of: Brief mentions of sexual acts, swearing, and gross (but not graphic) things. Some chapters will contain only OCs, in case you’re put off by that sort of thing.
Summary: Weevils are disappearing again. Torchwood is determined to find out why.
Beta: usakiwigirl & analineblue, who have all of my love for their assurances and edits.
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood, its characters, or…Wales.

Jack and Ianto wander Mermaid Quay, still hand-in-hand, for a while.

Cross-posted to multiple communities. Apologies to those getting this more than once.
Tags: fanfic, fanfic:pg-13, fanfic:series

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