Author: milady_dragon
Series: Dragon-Verse
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto; Toshiko/Kathy; Rhiannon/Johnny
Warnings: Language, Angst, mentions of torture
Spoilers: Up through Series One, also "Children of Earth" (as pertains to Alice Carter's background), and Doctor Who S3 E11 and E12, "Utopia", "The Sound of Drums", and "Last of the Time Lords"
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, I would have treated it better. I also don't own Doctor Who.
Author's note: This story tells how the Year That Never Was ended. There really isn't any timing in this, because of how things end.
A/N2: This chapter was at the insistence of the Alice-muse that I didn't know existed. It's also dedicated to bookwrm89 as a seriously belated birthday gift, and because of her enabling me into another fandom which gets name-checked in this chapter. It's not exactly the crossover you wanted, but here you go!
Summary: Things are coming to a head in the fight against the Master. Ianto and Martha Jones are in the final leg of their journey, and have come home to Great Britain for the end of the paradox...however it should end.
Chapter Four (Livejournal) (Dreamwidth)