Title: Opportunities/One door closes...and a window opens (5/?)
Rating: PG – I think. There is talk of sex and some ‘adult’ moments but nothing explicit. My son watches TV with more gratuitous moments than this story. It’s the smarm you need to worry about
Genre: AU! No aliens but some familiar names may still be used
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Estelle
Summary: The holiday season is coming up and Ianto Jones is stuck without a job, with very little money and not too many prospects. So when he is offered a job for two weeks, he readily accepts. But this new job may become complicated when he realises that the man who broke his heart years before is the grandson of his new employer.
A/N: So, here we are for Ianto’s driving test, a little discussion, and another surprise for Jack.
LJ ( Chapter Five )