Written by: Beesandbrews
Beta by: mcparrot. Thanks! Your help was invaluable.
Characters: New Team Torchwood. Jack/Ianto, OCs
Rating: R for Torchwood-style doings. Contains all the usual sorts of deprivation associated with imprisonment, torture, character death, some more permanent than others.
Written for the hc_bingo February 2012 postage stamp challenge. Prompts: nausea, phobias, brainwashing, wild card – forced to participate in a illegal/hurtful activities.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright violation is intended.
Summary: Kidnapped and dumped on an alien world, Jack is captured and taken away whilst Ianto, Felicity and Stuart watch helplessly. Pursued by the authorities, they've got to rely on their wits and courage to find their Captain and a way home.
Part One
Part Two