confused_bliss (confused_bliss) wrote in jackxianto,

Torchwood Revised (Chapter 12)

Title: Torchwood Revised (Chapter 12)
Author: confused_bliss
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto, other canon characters
Rating: Adult overall
Warnings: M/M concepts, explicit over time. OOC tendencies at times.
Genre: Canon/AU COE Fix-it
Beta: None, all mistakes are mine!
Banner & Journal Layout: Thank you to the amazing foreverbm
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the characters of Torchwood. They are the exclusive property of their creators. No infringement intended.
Feedback: Yes, please. Comments are always greatly appreciated.
Word Count: 3300

Summary: Pre-series and later depicting the relationship between Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones. Many canon moments, along with just as many changes along the way. COE fix-it and much more.

A/N: One more chapter of my version of 'Everything Changes'. I think you will see why as it unfolds. Next chapter we will get back to more serious matters of Torchwood, and Gwen's joining the team; however, for now it's Janto time. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Chapter 12
Tags: fanfic:r

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