Title: The Oncoming Storm
Sequel – Broken Dreams
Author: evalentine99
Rating: Mature 16+
Fandom: Torchwood
Genre: Adventure/Family
Pairings Jack/Ianto, OC Sean, K9
Alternate time line.
Beta: milady_dragon Torchwood- Copyright BBC. This Fan fiction has been created for enjoyment and is not for profit.
Authors note: Plot shamelessly borrowed from the Star Trek Next Generation novel 'Dragons Honor' by Kij Johnson and Greg Cox. All rights and kudos to them. Please don't sue I have no money. That said I only borrowed the plot and did make it my own.
Summary -Sequel Broken Dreams. 14 years have passed and Jack and Ianto struggle with teen angst and rebellion. Can they keep Sean safe during the oncoming storm as the prophecy and portents foretold now begin to take shape?
Chapter Eleven http://evalentine99.livejournal.com/64211.html#cutid1