not_rude_ginger (not_rude_ginger) wrote in jackxianto,

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Fic: Salvation's Tears (part 12)

Title: Salvation's Tears
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG-15 overall, individual chapters will vary between G and R.
Disclaimer: I do not own this show or these characters, but any OC's are mine.
Summary: Sequel to Tear-filled Trails of Blood. Owen and Ianto have finally reconciled their differences and accepted one another as true brothers. But when Owen is injured, and a Torchwood member is lost, can Ianto hold it together for the sake of his brother? Can Owen be strong enough to hold on for Ianto? And can Torchwood handle yet more turmoil as it tries to change with the times?

Master List
Chapter 11

Chapter 12
Tags: fanfic

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