evalentine99 (evalentine99) wrote in jackxianto,

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Collateral Damage - Chapter Eight

Title: Collateral Damage
Rating: Mature 16+
Fandom: Torchwood
Genre:  Angst, Angst and more Angst, with a double helping of Angst on the side.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto Past.   Jack/Gwen Past.  Rhys/Gwen. OC,
Alternate time line.

Beta: milady_dragon  Torchwood- Copyright BBC. This Fan fiction has been created for enjoyment and is not for profit.

Summary: Some of the choices you make in life can have on going devastating consequences. As the effects ripple outward can the damage be undone and hearts healed before it is too late? This is what Jack has to face three and half years after Ianto Jones walked out of his life without a word. For Gwen it is time for her to face the man she purports to love. Can he forgive her?

Chapter Eight http://evalentine99.livejournal.com/67413.html#cutid1

Tags: fanfic:pg-13

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