
Series: Dragon-Verse
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Toshiko/Kathy, Owen/Diane
Warnings: Language
Spoilers: Both series up to S2, E2, "Sleeper"
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, I would have treated it better.
Author's note: Here we are, the Dragon-Verse version of "Sleeper". I know there have been a few detours before getting to this, and I hope it's worth the wait. As usual, dating is taken from several fan-made chronologies, especially Ianto's Desktop, and other information from the TARDIS Index File.
Summary: An attempted home invasion puts the team on the trail of an alien sleeper cell intent on invasion, and Gwen gets a lesson on what it means to be human.
Chapter Five (Livejournal) (Dreamwidth)