TITLE: Part III: The Two Year Wake (4/4) - Complete
CHARACTERS/PAIRINGS: Ianto Jones, OCs. Allusions or direct references to all canon pairings.
SUMMARY: Toronto reacts to the news that the overflow camps have a more sinister purpose, and Ianto makes a decision that will radically alter his new life.
LENGTH: Part three of a five part series. Approximately 7300 words in this post (it's a long one, but it had to stay together).
SPOILERS: "Miracle Day" episodes 1 and 2, though you don't need to have seen it (or like it) to read this. "House of the Dead" radio play, if you tilt your head sideways.
DISCLAIMER: Fair use intended. I do not own the Torchwood characters, only the plot I stuck 'em into.
PREVIOUSLY: Exhumed | Last Respects | Wake: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3