Title: A Stitch in Time - Chapter Two
Author: milady_dragon
Series: Dragon-Verse
Rating: PG-13
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto, Toshiko/Kathy, one-sided Tommy/Toshiko
Warnings: Language
Spoilers: Both series up to S2, E3, "To the Last Man" and a small mention of the audio book, "Department X""
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, I would have treated it better.
Author's note: Here's the Dragon-Verse version of "To the Last Man". As always dating was taken from a couple of fan-made timelines, especially Ianto's Desktop, and facts of the episode from the TARDIS Wiki. Also, in the actual episode, it says it takes place on the 20th, on a Friday. However, the only day that falls on in 2008 is in September, so I jiggered the date just a little.
Summary: It's the time of year when Tommy Brockless, the frozen World War One soldier, is awakened for one day. Only this time, things will be very different.
Chapter Two (Livejournal) (Dreamwidth) (AO3)