Title: Cursum Perficio
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: The rift has always been a fickle creature, but what happens when it spits something out that begins to change one of the members of the team?
Characters/Pairing: The whole team with Jack/Ianto pairing
Rating: R for small sex scene
Spoilers: Mostly everything after Reset never happened, so AU after that
Warnings: Have tissues handy
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing the characters for a while
Word Count: ~4.5K
Beta: timelordshines, who has been invaluable in helping me make this to cohesive and post worthy
Notes: This is for sandysan2013 who gave me the idea for this a year ago when I wrote the three sentence fic My Way. This is built around those three sentences and it has taken me since then to piece this together. Also, written for love_bingo and hc_bingo with the prompt reveal at the end.
Cursum Perficio
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