Title: That Certain Smile
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: G
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Summary: What happens in the middle of the night with Jack and Ianto might surprise you.
Warnings: Pure fluff
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge 288: Reverse fandom: Last of the Summer Wine. The title is the name of the episode.
Title: Glory Hole
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: R
Characters: Jack/Ianto and kinda the rest of the team.
Summary: In where Jack is Jack and Ianto knows he's faking.
Warnings: Pure crack
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge 288: Reverse fandom: Last of the Summer Wine. The title is the name of the episode and because writing this is so much more fun than working. Everything I learned about a glory hold I learned from watching Drawn Together